24 March 2014


Hi, and thanks for checking out my new blog! I believe introductions are in order. I’m Amanda. I’m a nursing student in Denver, Colorado.

I never thought I’d be the type to keep a blog. Who knew they’d be such great tools for networking and sorting through / sharing ideas. But, as I wrote this while I was living in Honduras, I found blogging to be practical and useful. So here we go again.

I spent my undergraduate career studying Spanish and Portuguese. I read some books, traveled a little (I’ve lived some short-term stints in Brazil and Chile, too), and I have become convinced that culture and language permeate and affect all aspects of people’s life, including and especially their health and healthcare.

While completing my language degree, I also chipped away at the various prerequisites to apply to nursing school. It was quite the combination of classes in college: I would spend an hour talking about Cortázar in Spanish Lit, then run off to a cadaver lab, then turn around and spend a class singing some ChicoBuarque tune to work on my Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation.  Not a bad way to spend four years of college.

After graduating in May of 2013, I’ve spent the last year bouncing between a couple different jobs and countries. Now I’m on my way to nursing school. Classes start in about a month. I hope that this blog will be a platform to engage in the conversation about healthcare and it’s potential to improve the lives of individuals – in whatever the language that conversation may be.

04 March 2014

coming soon!

blog in process... check back soon for updates on how I'm staying sane in nursing school and my musings on health care. in the meantime, check out my previous blog, A Su Corazón, that I wrote while I was volunteering in the health system in Roatán, Honduras.